This technology will improve workflow and patient safety
— Dave Engleke, CEO of PARAMETRIK

Our proprietary technology ensures a clean better than <3.7µg/cm² protein removal

510(k) 101158


Make the change - today!


Coming Soon

on-site reprocessing

PARAMETRIK can install a MACH I combined Cleaner and Automated Endoscope Reprocessor in your facility to provide Validated Cleaning and High-Level Disinfection on-site.

No Capital needed - connect with us to learn more.


Your endoscopes can be transported to our specialized facilities and be EO sterilized using the Andersen EOGas4 or MACH I cleaned, inspected, or high-level disinfected and returned within 24 hours.

We offer a complete reprocessing service for flexible endoscopes and can deliver Clean and High-Level Disinfected or EO Sterilized devices.